What is seed cycling? If you haven't heard of it before it's the practice of consuming specific seed blends at certain stages of your menstrual cycle to improve your hormonal health.
Seed cycling is known in traditional medicine to support hormone levels and improve PMS symptoms. Seed cycling has been reported to even boost fertility and can help regulate other cumbersome side effects of the menstrual cycle: skin changes, stress levels, mood changes, immune system, weight management and food cravings.
Included in the box:
- x2 packets of seed blends (250g). Each packet lasts approximately 14 days
- x2 A4 printouts of a 28 day menstrual cycle mapping challenge and a cycle reflection 'dairy'.
Seed cycling is a practice found in traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda and Naturopathy for the intention of gently balancing hormones - of course - naturally. This course has pre-measured and blended all the seeds you'd need for a full menstrual cycle. Bia Seeds' vision is for a future where we live more peacefully with our natural cycles.
How to use
Start with the Follicular seed blend on the first day of your period and everyday for 14 days. On day 14, switch over to the Bia Luteal seed blend, as this is when ovulation usually occurs if you have a 28 day cycle. If know you have a longer cycle, change the seed blend at the halfway point. If you aren't sure about your average cycle length, start with the 14 days switch and track the length of your cycle and adjust your seed schedule for the following month.
Bia Seeds are best consumed ground. You can consume these seeds during breakfast (cereals, porridge, sprinkled over eggs or whizzed in smoothies), lunch (salads, dry fried for soup toppings or a handful for a snack), or during your evening meal (sprinkled over food, mixed in with vegetables or baked in flapjacks/cakes).
Menstrual Cycle 28-Day Challenge
On the first day of your period, start at the Follicular Column and work downwards. Use the prompts in each box and keep a diary of what you achieve. After 7 days move to the next column. If your cycles are longer or shorter than 28 days, adjust the amount of boxes per column.
Menstrual Cycle Phase Reflections
Use this diary to reflect on each phase of your cycle. Each phase is usually 7 days long but adjust accordingly as you get to know your cycle.
Follicular phase - first day of period to around day 14
Menstruation phase - day one of your period until it ends (this is the same time as the Follicular phase)
Luteal Phase - from day 14 of your cycle to the start of your next period.
Ovulation phase - this phase will overlap both the Follicular and Luteal phase and usually spans from day 12 to day 17, with ovulation happening around day 14.
All seeds are Soil Association approved and SALSA Certified organic. They are from a family run business in Dorset who won The New Forest Enterprise Centre Award for Best New Business in 2018 for their contribution to the New Forest economy.
Follicular: Flax and Pumpkin seeds
Luteal: Sesame and Sunflower
Packaging is 100% compostable and printed labels are safe for the soil.
Fully plastic free
Great way to get to know your body better
Amazing packaging