The relationship between smell and wellbeing - BoHoBo Aromatherapies

The relationship between smell and wellbeing - BoHoBo Aromatherapies


One of the most magical ways to enhance holistic wellbeing is through incorporating smell into our daily ritual. Aromatherapy has the ability to accompany us in our day, keeping us connected and holding space.

I was born in Australia and raised between France and Scotland. From my earliest moments of breathing in my grandmother’s wrists, soaked in violets, to crumpling eucalyptus leaves in hot hands while riding horses, shaking jacaranda pods under cobalt petalled umbrellas, smelling the thick mossy peat to signal winter’s return or dripping lavender on burns, aromatherapy has always been a part of me.

Picture of corn fields


My early twenties (25 years ago) were spent in London, and in the midst of a lot of fun began to feel eroded by traffic, buildings and early morning streets. I craved to open my heart and my nose, and that’s when I began to study aromatherapy academically.

Aromatherapy is the magic of smells, particularly from essential oils, used with intention and purpose. As our world returns to the charms of the natural world, the interest in reconnecting with ourselves, nature and natural holistic therapies is blossoming. Aromatherapy as base smell has the gift of being able to instantly connect, shift, calm, energise and lift, and the vibrational power of essential oils link us to nature, the earth, the moon, the tides and elements.


There is a lot to learn, and if I am honest it is the life journey that holds the real beauty, but the basics are accessible. Start with an experiment, the next time you peel an orange, drink some coffee (or herbal tea if you’re like me), pass under a linden tree with sticky sweet flowers dangling, breathe in, fully and with purpose. Allow the smell to travel deeper with every breath. Become aware of how the smell makes you feel. Close your eyes and feel it in your body, does it reach deeply? And, just like that, your journey with aromatherapy has begun.

We buy our essential oils from a long-standing British wholesaler. They are wonderfully in tune with sensitivity of our work. The year before last I received chamomile and it was just a bit not right. I called them and immediately they told me the late frost had caused some of the farms they are supplied from to have a sourness to the petals. We changed the batch without cost of question. We really value them and the purity of ingredients. All our products are handmade in Frome.

Our Ayurvedic blends are crystal infused, as is Chakra Balancing which is also made by the moon, harnessing and reflecting her fusional energy. 

- Brigitta Inglis 


*To view the range of Bohobo Aromatherapies we have in stock click HERE. Or head over to their website for more information about their dedicated practice and products. For behind these scenes, their Instagram account is also full of wonderful lifestyle and wellbeing guidance - and cute little ponies. 

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