The council has removed our non-profit business rates relief and we need help to cover legal fees to register - officially - as a charity.
I totally appreciate that budgets have been outrageously cut from central government and the council are struggling to support everyone. However, we are more than just a shop and the cost on the local economy, the community and the council will be much higher if we are forced to close. I have outlined my case and contradictions in this document and in this blog for those that wish to read more.
Stopping the Business Rate Relief will mean the closure of Prior Shop and will negatively impact the high street as the unit will be vacant. The high streets in the UK have already lost 6,000 retail shops over the last 5 years. The majority has been in this year alone - 1,900 retailers went under in 2022-23 and vacant properties stand at an all time high of 14%. Businesses claim this is due to the crippling cost of business rates and ongoing economic pressures.
If we register as a Charity and have a bit of paper confirming this, then we automatically will get the rate relief. Death by paperwork some might say.
I will have to pay legal fees to register the charity and also employee extra staff whilst I spend many hours away from my management duties to work on registering the charity. Lots of people have asked how they can help and offered donations. This is why I have set up this donations page. There is no pressure to donate but if you are in a position to do so, it is greatly appreciated.
Beck Prior 🧡